
Fresh Start (Again)

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I'm really not much of a nature person. It's just that, my dad love taking pictures of animals and birds and wildlife that it becomes one of the frequent topic of my photos.

Well, that wasn't much of a fresh, first blog post after a dozen of times redoing my blog. Okay, maybe not a dozen times but this may well be the fourth time and I hope there aren't any more after this. Because I've realized that I need to practice with commitment and commitment is what I lack. Often than most, when I am unsatisfied with something (my last blog), I would abandon it altogether until months, or even years later, that i think it's time to start over.

Wow. That could be implied to relationships as well but I'm not that good with relationships. Another tale to tell for next time. Or maybe never.

but i'm not going to write my woes and sorrows. Nah. That was last time. I guess it's time to grow up and, well, start committing. On something. Like this blog.

And it's all equipped with the nicest template too! I better do good, eh?

But yeah, anyway, I'm going to write my thoughts, my adventures, arts, cosplays and the stuff I do for fun. Not many people know what I do anyway. I mean, they know what I do, but they don't EXACTLY know what I do. Get it?

Mmhmm. A fresh start with a picture of cacti and poorly written post. I'll...learn how to write for blogs later as I go on.